Here are some frequent questions I receve daily, on both Newgrounds and Youtube.
And here are my answers to those questions:
Why would germans atack an empty field?
Can't you just wait untill I make the next fucking episode, for fuck sake give me a break, everything will be explained there.
Im not sure If I should laugh or cry to this?
If you laugh to this you probably have issues.
Why do you take that much to make animations?
1 - I work, study, and sleep.
2 - Its only one person doing backgrounds, carachtrer design, animation, coloring, edition, script, direction, and effects.
If the charachters are french why don't they speak french?
Oh no problem, Im sure you speak, read, and listen french every single day so I guess you won't have trouble understanding what is happening on the next episode, when I hire french voice actors.
Where can I watch this?
You are joking right...?
When are you planing to release the next episode?
If everything goes well, on summer (US winter).
Wait!..The germans didn't excacly atack france during that year, why are you a liar!?
Im sure Tarantino will love to read your statement about his version of WW2.
Im sorry I just had to do this, those questions where getting way too repetitive and anoying.
Where's the question: "How do I voice for you!?"
haha, mabye I can add some extra charachters and invite 1 or 2 voice actors to participate :P